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My journey to be a fitness coach

Hello everyone, I thought I would share with you my journey as I become a certified fitness, wellness & nutrition coach.

For those that may know me, I am far from fit. I have attended some fitness classes in the past, went to the morning aquacise classes, lifted a few weights here and there, but far from being fit.

I have been overweight if not even obese and a diabetic for the past 20+ years. A struggle on so many levels, Mind body & soul. After realizing it is no ones fault but my own, I have decided to take responsibility for my own actions. I will not go on insulin, and I will not keep making up excuses.

There will be no more using food as a reward! "I walked 5 miles today so this ice cream is FREE". "Oh gee if I swim for an hour I can eat the whole pizza!"

Food plays such a big role in our lives when really we should only eat to survive.

So my journey begins on Wednesday. I am signed up with my text books ready to go!

Here I come fitness, wellness & nutrition :). Am I scared? HELL YEAH. Not only do I have to learn about everything, but I have to teach it as well. I am confident in my theory skills but a wee bit nervous about my physical abilities to teach a fitness class. Although I figure if I can make these changes myself, I should be an inspiration to others who have used the same excuses as me in the past.

We all have to start somewhere and take one baby step at a time. No looking back now, only forward from here on out. No this won't be an overnight success, but it will be journey. A journey I am long over due for and one I am willing to share with you all.

Wish me luck!

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